Saturday, June 1, 2013

4 month update

The girls are 4 months old, I can't believe how fast the time has flown by.  The girls are growing every day.

Anna weighed 8lb 13oz at her check up.  She is 21 1/4 inches long.  She is long and slender and very smiley.  She is in the 5th percentile for the adjusted chart for height and weight.

Kathryn weighed 13lbs 9oz at her check up.  She is 24 1/4 inches long.  Kathryn is also very tall.  She is in the 50th percentile of the regular chart for height and weight.

Both girls out grow the length of their clothes before they out grow the middle section of their clothes.  They take after their tall mommy and daddy.

The sleeping patterns have changed for the better for both girls.  Kathryn is currently sleeping through the night about 9 hours.  We feed her around 8:30pm and she falls asleep by 9pm.  Then I wake up at 6am to feed her.  She is very smiley in the morning.  I love the time I have with the girls in the morning for their 6am feeding.  Kathryn eats about 5oz 6 times a day.  Sometimes she eats as much as 6 oz in a feeding and as little as 4 oz.

Anna cannot sleep as long as Kathryn, but she sleeps very well.  She sleeps around 6 to 8 hours at night.  We feed her at 9pm and she is asleep by 9:30pm.  She slept until 5am this morning, yeah!  During the week, Sam feeds Anna at 3am bc she cannot quite make it through the night consistently and we need to have the girls on a good schedule now that they are in day care.  On the weekends we let her sleep as long as she can to work on her sleeping more.  She eats about 3oz 7 times a day of the higher calorie formula (24k).

Anna had a CT Scan of her head to make sure everything is forming ok.  Her head is very narrow in the front by her forehead.  This is common for preemies.  However we wanted to make sure it was a preemie head and not a problem head.  The results came back normal.  We are so thankful Anna's head is growing normal for a preemie baby.  I love her sideways smile, so cute!

The girls favorite activity is to lay on their back on the activity mat uncle Ryan gave them.  When the mat moves the star overhead lights up and a little music plays a tune.  The girls smile and giggle, and talk back and forth as they kick their legs to make the songs play and the light shine.

They also enjoy their bouncy seats.  They are batting at the objects and sometimes holding onto the rings that hang down in front of them.  We also work on tummy time daily.  They are starting to move their heads back and forth more and move their legs a lot.

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