Monday, March 4, 2013

Anna is Home!

On Friday we got the call from the doctor that Anna's going to be able to go home.  She passed her car seat test over night and her feedings had continued to be a great eater.  Before I left for the Hospital, Brenna stopped by to serve us with a meal and meet Kathryn for the first time.  It was so thoughtful of her to bring a great meal for us as well as spend time chatting with me.  I realized on Friday how much time I had been spending at the hospital, and how wonderful it was to spend time with Brenna.

Brenna holding Kathryn
 Samuel fed her at lunch per usual and I brought Kathryn for the 2:30 feeding.  It was our last feeding in the hospital.  I packed the room up along with both girls and away we went to our new lives together.  Two weeks after Kathryn went home and five and a half weeks after their birthday, Baby Girl Morrison 1 and 2 are no longer residents of the St Vincent Carmel NICU.  We appreciated the care the NICU provided for our girls, and are so excited for our future together at home.

I am holding both girls before we head home

Anna in her car seat, waving Good-Bye to all of her friends in the NICU.

We quickly added Anna to our routine and have not looked back since.  Samuel and I enjoyed holding, feeding, and changing the girls in our home.  It is amazing how relaxing it can be to stay at home and not have to worry about rushing off to the hospital to make it on time for the next feeding.  It is also amazing to see how many bottles we go through in a 24 hours period.  :)

We were able to give both girls a bath, how cute and little are they all wrapped up in their towels??!!

We feel so blessed to have made it through our pregnancy journey, and journey in the NICU.  We are amazed at the love and support everyone has provided to our family.  We appreciate the care all of the medical community has provided to all of us.  Our lives changed on Oct 18 when we found out our girls had twin to twin transfusion syndrome.  Shortly thereafter on October 24, I had laser surgery that saved the girls lives.  Since then, we had doctor's appointments twice and sometimes three times a week to follow the girl's progress and make sure they were ok.  I rested at home on modified bed rest to ensure my body to continue to be a safe place for the girls.  They were born on January 22, and now are both home and healthy on March 1.  We Praise the Lord everyday for everything he has provided to our family.  We continue to pray for the girls that they will continue to grow and become healthy little girls.

 Look how cute they are, SISTERS!! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. They are so cute, Katie! I can't wait to meet them one day!
