The girls were 3 months on April 22. Anna currently weighs 7lbs 2oz, she is on the 5th percentile of the adjusted chart, hurray! Kathryn weighs 11lbs 6oz, and is in the 35th percentile of the REGULAR baby chart, BIG GIRL! Both girls are healthy.
Anna is very thin and tall and growing everyday. Kathryn is also very tall, but has a little more size to her. Anna is just about to outgrow her newborn size clothes. Kathryn is just about to outgrow the 0-3month clothes. Both girls are outgrowing their clothes because they are too tall for their outfits.
Smiling Faces
Holding Hands
We fill Anna's bottle to 80ml, but she averages her feedings with about 60ml or 2 oz. We fill Kathryn's bottles to 120mls, and she averages close to 110mls or just under 4oz. Since Kathryn's weight is average for a 3 month baby, they have changed her formula from the Preemie formula of Neosure to regular baby formula. Mom and Dad are super excited because regular baby formula is a lot cheaper than preemie formula.
Currently our feedings schedule is as follows:
Every 3 hours during the day starting at 6am, with the last feeding at 9pm. Then we have a 2am feeding and the day starts again at 6am. Each week we are getting closer to sleeping 8 hours. Since the girls adjusted age is only 7 weeks, we are pleased with their night schedule, especially since Anna is so small. Sam is a wonderful father and feeds the girls at the 2am feeding every evening. What a great Dad! Sometimes he needs a little rest to be able to get up in the middle of the night.
Our friends Brandie and Ben stopped by to meet the girls on their 3 month birthday. It was such a joy to introduce them to the girls and get a chance to catch up with Great Friends. Our other friend Angie stopped by a few days earlier, but I forgot to take a picture. We always appreciate everyone who has helped us a long our journey and we love being able to introduce Anna and Kathryn to great friends who have prayed for us along our pregnancy journey.